Our complimentary spectra databases contain 200 ATR-FTIR or Raman spectra for your Thermo Fisher Omnic™, Omnic Specta™ and Paradigm™ software. You are very welcome to download them and also to share them with your colleagues.
If you have any questions, please contact us at contact (at) stjapan.de or at +49 (0)2234-956372.
Before Installation System requirements: Windows 8/64bit, Windows 10/64bit, Windows 11/64bit. Please close all programs before beginning installation. |
Installation To install the free Demo Spectra Databases on your system, please download and run the installation file (*.exe) below. The S.T. Japan-Europe installer endeavors to make the installation the databases as transparent & decision free as possible. The Installer Software will guide you step-by-step through the installation process. The whole process takes only a few minutes to complete. |
After installation After the installation please start your Thermo Fisher Omnic™, Omnic Specta™ and Paradigm™ software and load the spectra database from the directory in which the spectra database has been installed. Once this is done, you can work with the spectra database and yourThermo Fisher Omnic™, Omnic Specta™ and Paradigm™ software. Please note that you have to use the Thermo Fisher software of your instrument to load and use the data. Clicking on the installed database files will not work! |
Please note: You may receive a "Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from running" Error Message when installing the Demo Spectra Databases. If so, please click the <More info> link in the warning popup. Please click the <Run anyway> button on the bottom of the "Windows protected your PC" dialog box. The installation routine will start automatically and quickly guide you through the installation.
These free evaluation versions of our spectra databases have been prepared with greatest care and are a free-of-charge service to our customers. However, these evaluation versions of our ATR-FTIR and Raman spectra databases are provided - as is - for demonstration and testing purposes only. S.T.Japan-Europe GmbH makes no warranties, either express or implied, concerning the evaluation versions and specifically does not warrant that the demo version will operate uninterrupted or error-free. S.T.Japan-Europe GmbH disclaims all warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability. By using these spectra databases, you are agreeing to assume all risks related to its use. In no event shall S.T.Japan-Europe GmbH be liable for any direct, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from its use, however caused and on any theory of liability.